Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday, April 30

Geometry: Spent the majority of the hour going over the 11.6 worksheet, we started the 11.7 notes. Homework is to complete the 11.7 notes.

Science: Played Jeopardy for review, the review assigned yesterday is due tomorrow.

Spanish I: The review sheet is due tomorrow. The second part of the test (grammar and writing) is tomorrow, so study your vocab, verbs, and grammar. Make sure you know how to write the four sentences. 

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students presented their family budget projects. We will continue tomorrow. Homework: No homework Discussion topics: Whose project stood out to you today?  Why?

Tech 8 (Stein): Compare/Contrast PowerPoint and Prezi; Presentation rubric

Pre-Algebra: Lesson 7.6 (evens)

Algebra: p. 655 (4-40 multiples of 4)

ELA - Students handed in their Grammar 7.1-7.3 and we began our Historical Fiction Unit.  Each student was assigned a copy of With Every Drop of Blood by James & Christopher Collier.  We then began by reviewing the maps and read the first chapter of the book the schedule is

Chap 1-2 due May 1
Chap 3-4 due May 2
Chap 5-6 due May 3
Chap 7-8 due May 6
Chap 9-10 due May 7
Chap 11-12 due May 8
Chap 13-14 due May 13
Fast and easy.  Please be sure your student is doing their reading nightly and bringing their novel to school as we will be reading the majority of the hours. Homework: Read Chapters 1 & 2, Journal entry #22

Humanities: Students continued our introduction to the Civil War in class. No homework. Current events are due Friday.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29

Science:  Began reviewing for the Sound & Waves test, review is due on Wednesday. 

Geometry: The projector went kaput this morning, so we rocked the notes (definitions, example 1, formula, example 2, example 3) old-school on the board. Homework is the 11.6 worksheet. Chapter 11 test is Friday. 

Tech 8 (Stein): Excel Requirements and Rubric, work day.

Spanish I: The 3.1 test was moved to tomorrow and Wednesday to give students another day to practice. They got a new worksheet today, that is due on Wednesday.

ELA - Students are to continue working on Verbals and Verbal Phrases with Grammar 7.1-7.3. This was handed out on Friday and posted on Friday's blog. We will begin our Historical Fiction unit tomorrow. Homework is Journal entry & grammar packet.

Course 3: Today we talked about how to prove triangles are congruent.  Homework is worksheet 8.5, all. 2nd hour homework is a congruence sheet.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 15 and were introduced to the Civil War in class today. No homework. Current events are due Friday.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students began presenting their family budget projects. We will continue Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Homework: No homework
Discussion topics: Whose project stood out to you today?  Why?

Pre-Algebra: Quiz grades are posted on Family Access.  Grades are not as high as they should have been.  We started 7.5 today.  Homework:  7.5 evens. 
Algebra: Test on the first part of chapter 10 tomorrow.  We did a practice test in class and we discussed everything that I needed to see tomorrow.  Remember that the IB Box project is due tomorrow.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday, April 26

Science: Completed the notes for our unit on Waves & Sound (click here for the power point). Next week we will begin reviewing for the Sound & Waves unit test, which will be on Thursday, May 2.

Geometry: Took the Chapter 11 Quiz. No homework. Chapter 11 test is Friday, May 3.

ELA - Students are starting their study of Verbals and Verbal Phrases today.  The Packet 7.1-7.3 will be worked on for two days... today and Monday - Due Tuesday.  Remember, we are starting our Historical Fiction class novel next week...so if your student is behind in reading please schedule time to have them sit and read over the weekend. Have a great weekend - READ!!!!!!

Spanish I: All hours: review worksheet is due on Monday. 1st and 2nd hour- also have to do exs 12 & 13 pg 186 for Monday. All hours: first part of test on Monday, APr 29th- the listening and reading comprehension parts.

Pre-Algebra: We took a quiz today.  No homework.
Algebra: We worked with graphing calculators to graph parabolas.  Test has been moved to Tuesday.  We will review on Monday. Homework:  IB Box assignment (due on Tuesday)  a copy is attached

Tech 8 (Stein) Excel Formulas and Built-in Functions Activity

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students finished working on their family budget projects. Presentations will begin on Monday. Homework: Family Budget presentations will begin on Monday. Discussion topics: How many outstanding items do you need to complete for your project?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday, April 25

Legacy Day Survey

Humanities: Students finished presenting projects, received folder grades and checked 15.2 in class. Homework is to complete a "free choice" for 15.3. No current events this week.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued working on their family budget projects. Homework: Family Budget presentations will begin on Monday. Discussion topics: How many outstanding items do you need to complete for your project?

Spanish I: Review worksheet is due on Monday. 3.1 test is on Monday, April 29th (listening comprehension and reading comprehension) and on Tuesday, April 30th (grammar and writing)

Geometry: Went over the 11.4 homework and took notes on 11.5. Homework is the 11.5 worksheet. Quiz on chapter 11 is tomorrow. 

Science: Sound stations

ELA - Students checked their homework from last night (Grammar 6.1-6.2) and moved on to 6.3 Conjunctions and 6.4 Interjections.  They were given silent reading time when grammar was completed. Homework: Grammar, READ!, & Journal #20

Course 3: Today we talked about congruent polygons and their properties.  Homework is handmade worksheet on congruency. 2nd hour-5 question worksheet.

Pre-Algebra: Homework: p.350 (1-21 odds)  Quiz tomorrow
Algebra: No homework.  Test moved to next Tuesday 4/30

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, April 24

Science: Quizzes were returned and students had an opportunity to do quiz corrections, which are due on Friday. We also investigated how length of a straw affects the sound a kazoo makes. Finally, students shown the survey they will be taking regarding Legacy Day.

Geometry: Went over the 11.3 homework and took notes on 11.4 (arc length). Homework is the 11.4 worksheet, chapter 11 quiz is Friday.

Humanities: Students continued presentations, turned in homework folders, and checked 15.1 in class. Homework is to summarize 15.2. No current events this week.

Spanish I: Write the four sentences for the test on Monday and Tuesday. The sentences are due tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): Family Budget Research

ELA - Students checked their Grammar 5.6-5.7 from yesterday and then had the rest of the hour to read silently and/or Work on Grammar 6.1-6.2 Prepositions.  Homework: Grammar, READ!, Journal # 19

Course 3: Today we continued to work on angle and triangle relationships.  Homework is a handmade worksheet with 5 questions. 2nd hour-worksheet 8.2, # 1 -12.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued working on their family budget projects. Homework: Family Budget presentations will begin on Monday. Discussion topics: How many outstanding items do you need to complete for your project?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23

Science: Finished watching the documentary "Tapped".

Geometry: Went over the 11.2 homework and took notes on 11.3. Homework is the 11.3 worksheet. Quiz on chapter 11 will be Friday.

Humanities: Students continued to present projects in class today. Folders are due tomorrow. 15.1 section assessment is due tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): Family Budget Research

Spanish I: Study for 3.1 test on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

ELA - Students wrote a reflection on their Persuasive Essay.  This "on demand writing" was to reflect the student's thoughts on the project, what they felt they did well, and not so well.  The students also commented on what they learned during this project and what IB traits they used or expanded during the process.  I informed the students that this was to be more than a sentence or two, this was to be a mini-essay, to explain each item to me in detail, as if I had no idea what the project was.  This was attached to the Final Packet and the packet was turned in. Students then graded Grammar 5.4-5.5 (handed out yesterday).  They then began their 5.6-5.7 packet, due tomorrow. AR quiz reports will be printed on Friday.  I have emphasized that students should be reading at least one book every two weeks in order to stay on track.  Although all AR quizzes are not due until June 3rd, I will be entering zeros for the first AR quiz if they have not taken one by Friday.  Students need to see what procrastination will do to their grades.  Please understand that there will be no late point deduction for AR quizzes...if they are done by June 3rd they are entered...after that there will be no late AR submissions for 4th Marking Period. Homework: Grammar 5.6-5.7, READ, and Journal Entery #17

Pre-Algebra: I got a phone call just before class started that my son was throwing up at 5th grade camp.  I had to leave to pick him up.  Students were given a review packet that covers percent problems in various forms.  I will be out tomorrow, too, so they can continue working on the packet tomorrow.

Algebra: I got a phone call just before school started that my son was throwing up at 5th grade camp.  I had to leave to pick him up. The plans were thrown together for the guest teacher to give notes and have students try the homework.  I understand if we are going to need another day to go over it.  I will be out tomorrow, too, so the test scheduled for Friday will be postponed.

Course 3: Today we talked about triangles and how we classify them.  Homework is worksheet 8.2, # 1 -13. 2nd hour homework is worksheet 8.1, # 1 - 16.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued working on their family budget projects. Homework: Family Budget presentations will begin on Friday. Discussion topics: How many outstanding items do you need to complete for your project?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday, April 22

Today was Mrs. Petersen's last day of jury duty for Wayne County, she will be back tomorrow.

Geometry: Went over the 11.1 homework answers and took notes on 11.2. Homework is the 11.2 worksheet. 

Science: Watched the 1st half of the documentary "Tapped" in honor of Earth Day. We will finish the movie tomorrow and have a discussion following. 

Humanities: Students turned in, and began to present, projects today. No homework unless students did not finish 14.4 section assessment. No current events this week.

Spanish I: No homework, except begin studying for the 3.1 test on Monday.

Tech 8 (Stein): Family Budget Research

Course 3: Today we started to talk about angles and properties of angles.  Homework is worksheet 8.1, #1 - 16. 2nd hour finished their quarterly assessment.  No homework.

Pre-Algebra: Continuing to work on percents.  Homework: 7.4 (evens). Quiz on Thursday covering (7.1-7.4)

Algebra: Homework: 10.2 (evens). We are going to be finished with this portion of chapter 10 by Thursday.  Test on Friday!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday, July 19

*Mrs. Petersen is serving jury duty again today.

Science:Students read and took notes on sound.

Geometry: Took notes on 11.1, homework is the 11.1 worksheet

Spanish 1: Due Monday: 3.1 vocab worksheet and exs 5,6 ,9 & 10 pgs 181-184. Also study for the 3.1 vocab quiz on Monday. Study the words outlined or starred in pink on the 3.1 vocab sheet I have you. 

ELA - After a quick review of formatting papers (done with Poetry unit and Literary Analysis so this is a quick review) students were given the hour to work on their papers.  Some finished their Peer Reviews, some started their final draft, some finished revisions.
 Final Packet:(Evidence of Writing Process)
1. Rubric (WITH NAME)
2. Outline
3. Rough Draft
4. Peer Review
5. Final Draft
Homework: Final Packet Due Tuesday, April 23rd, READ! FYI: We will be working on Independent Reading and Grammar Next Week.  Historical Fiction Unit will begin April 30th

Technology 8 - Orlando What we did today: We reviewed the requirements for the final family budget presentation.  I showed students an example presentation, and I gave them a rubric as well as a checklist.  We then determined the last of our costs for our budgets. Homework: Family Budget presentations will begin next Friday. Discussion topics: How many outstanding items do you need to complete for your project?

Humanities: Students checked 14.3, turned in IB paragraphs and worked on 14.4 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 14.4 and projects for Monday.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18

Apologies for the late blog posting, I was serving jury duty today, hence zero access to electronics of any kind! I will be out again tomorrow for another day serving my civic duty.

Science: Students took the quiz on Waves and were given an opportunity to work on extra credit puzzles. No homework.

Geometry: Students took the chapter 10 test, no homework.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students finished working on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Pilot test. If they finished early, they worked on their family budget project. Homework: Family Budget presentations will begin next Friday. Discussion topics: What feedback can you provide to the test writers to improve the test?

Spanish I: Exercises 5,6, 9 & 10 pgs 181-184 are due on Monday, Apr 22nd

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday, April 17

Science: Watched Bill Nye "Waves" and went over the Interaction of Waves worksheet. Quiz is tomorrow, students may use notes and worksheets on the quiz and they will have the opportunity to do quiz corrections. 

Geometry: Went over the chapter 10 practice test and worked on the chapter 10 review. Homework is the chapter 10 review odds. 

Humanities: Students checked 14.2 and relevance paragraphs in class today.  Students were also given the opportunity to work on IB paragraphs and rough drafts for projects in class. Homework is to complete IB paragraphs for tomorrow. No current events this week.

Spanish I: Study for the 3.1 quiz (part 1) on Monday, and finish the vocab packet also due on Monday.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students worked on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Pilot test.  Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: What are your thoughts on the assessment so far?

Pre-Algebra: Homework: worksheet 7.2 (evens) Anyone interested in test re-takes, needs to see me at lunch before next Wednesday

Algebra Test tomorrow.  Attached are the reviews and the answers to the practice test and the FOILing worksheet. (Chapter 9 Pretest Warmup, Chapter 9 Practice Test,   Answers to FOIL Problems, Answers to Practice Test).

Course 3: Today we took the chapter 7 test.  No homework. 2nd hour has their chapter 7 test tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): SmarterBalanced testing

ELA - Day 10 had two teaching points! Students reviewed their outlines to be sure that each reason/focus question supports the thesis, and each fact or detail supports the reason/focus question.  We then discussed what "fully citing" a source means.  Not only do they need to have a properly formatted Bibliography, but they also need to cite the source within the text (parenthetical citations).  Some got this concept with the Literary Analysis at the beginning of the year, but some are still not grasping the concept of notating within the paper what source is being quoted.  Please review the Quotes & Paraphrasing: Parenthetical (In Text) Citations guide I gave them today.  This is an important step in the writing and researching process.We then moved on to convert our outlines into rough drafts, we will be peer reviewing tomorrow. Homework: Rough Draft, READ, Journal #16

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16

Geometry: Went over the 10.7 homework and worked on the chapter 10 practice test, which is homework. Chapter 10 test is Thursday.

Science: Took notes on Pages 441-445 and went over the Waves homework from Friday. Wave Interaction worksheet is homework. Waves quiz is Thursday.

Spanish I: 3.1 vocab quiz (part 1) on Monday. Vocab sheet for 3.1 is due Monday. Restaurant skit is due tomorrow.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students worked on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Pilot test.  After a discussion about buying fish and fish tanks, students were set off on their own to tackle the performance task with the online test. Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: Did yesterday's practice test help prepare you for what you saw today on the test?

Humanities: Students checked 14.1, turned in project outlines, and worked on 14.2 free choice in class. Homework is to complete 14.2 free choice and have "relevance" paragraphs (for the project) written for tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): SmarterBalanced Testing

Algebra: We have a big chapter 9 test this Thursday.  Attached are the reviews that need to be completed by Thursday! (Chapter 9 Practice Test & Chapter 9 Pretest Warmup)

ELA- We continued our Persuasive Research work today by learning about the importance of organization in a paper, the steps to take from being sure that their Thesis is supported by their reasons and their reasons are supported by their details.  We organized our details/research note-cards on pages that contained our thesis and reasons for our thesis statement.  We then physically moved our sheets around until we found the correct order of paragraphs (sequential, order of importance, etc).  After that was decided the students took their information and transferred it on to an official outline. This outline is a part of their final packet for this paper.  Homework: Outline, READ!, Journal # 14. Attachments: Day 9 Outline Samples, Persuasive Research Day 9, Rubric

Coure 3: We reviewed for our chapter 7 test tomorrow.  2nd hour has homework 7.8, all.  Test is Thursday.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15

Science: Completed Investigation 20-A by watching waves and their interaction with boundaries. No homework, quiz on waves Thursday.

Geometry: Went over the 10.6 homework and 10.7 notes (equations of circles). Homework is the 10.7 worksheet, chapter 10 test is Thursday.

Humanities: Students worked on turned in research for their projects, worked on 14.1 section assessment and began to outline papers for projects that are due Monday, April 22. Homework is to complete 14.1 and outlines for tomorrow. No current events this week.

Spanish I: 3.1 quiz (part 1) is on Monday, April 22nd. The 3.1 vocab sheet that goes with it is also due on Monday.

Tech 8 (Stein): Smarter Balanced Pilot (all week)

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: I reviewed the purpose and structure of the Smarter Balanced Pilot Test.  Students logged in to the system as guests in order to complete some practice questions to familiarize themselves with the test structure.  Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: How does the Smarter Balanced Assessment differ from the MEAP test you are used to taking?

Pre-Algebra: We took our 3rd District Assessment today.  No Homework!
Algebra: We finished our notes for 9.6-9.8.  Homework is a worksheet for those sections (attached).
Our test for this chapter will be this Thursday!

ELA - Students wrote Thesis Statements, wrote reasons why the thesis is true, and sorted their facts backing up those reasons.  We looked at where we were lacking facts and where our strongest point was. Tomorrow we will be organizing our ideas and facts into an outline and drafting our first draft. Homework: Continue researching, READ!, Journal #12

Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday, April 12

Geometry: Went over the 10.6 notes and quizzes were returned, homework is the 10.6 worksheet.

Science: Reviewed notes and concepts from the past week (amplitude, wavelength, speed, frequency, transverse & longitudinal) and completed Properties of Waves worksheet. Homework is Waves Worksheet, (both worksheets are attached here).

Spanish I: Study 3.1 words for a vocab quiz on Monday, Apr 22nd.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students met with high school counselors to discuss their schedules for next year. All next week will be dedicated to the pilot of the online Smarterbalanced Assessment.  Monday, they will familiarize themselves with the test, and the rest of the week with be dedicated to completing the math and English tests. Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: What did you get accomplished today with the counselors?

Humanities: Students checked 13.4, discussed current events, and worked on projects in class. Homework is to complete find a minimum of fifteen facts to include in projects for Monday.

Tech 8 (Stein): 9th Grade Scheduling 

Pre-Algebra: We finished our really difficult chapter 6 test.  No homework.
Algebra: We continued our factoring work.  Homework: 1/2 sheet of factoring.

ELA- Students continued their Writer's Workshop with Day 7 Persuasive Research.  They were given the hour to research their Persuasive Research Topic.  They are to put each fact for or against their topic on a note-card or 1/2 sheet of lined paper.  The resource should be indicated on the back of the note-card and cited on Easybib.com.  Students should have between 12 and 20 note-cards ready for Monday's class.  We will be talking about organization of facts and how to format a Persuasive Paper - they need their facts in order to benefit from this lesson. Persuasive Research Paper due Tuesday, April 23rd.

Course 3: Today we talked about probability today.  Homework is worksheet 7.8, all.  2nd hour has no homework.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday, April 11

Humanities: Students checked 13.3, turned in project topics and questions, and worked on 13.4 guided notes in class. Homework is to complete 13.4 guided notes. No current events this wee. Friday is a project work day.

Spanish I: Homework is finishing the verb sheet. It will be graded for accuracy and is due tomorrow for a big grade. 2.3 test is tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): Picked careers, researched housing options for the Family Budget Project.

Course 3: We did a menu activity today.  No homework.

ELA - Students continued on their Persuasive Research, testing their statements, searching for sources, and citing those sources. They should have a good handle on the path their Persuasive Research will take and be moving forward on finding 12-20 facts written on note cards. We will use those note cards to organize our information into comprehensive paragraphs. Persuasive Research due April 23rd - no late submissions will be accepted. Homework: READ! Journal Entry #9 RESEARCH

Science: Completed Notes for pages 435-439 (2nd & 7th hour worked on investigation 20-A). 

Geometry: Took quiz on 10.1-10.5, homework is to complete the 10.6 notes. 

Pre-Algebra: We started our Chapter 6 test.  We will finish it tomorrow.
Algebra: We started factoring.  Homework: 9.5 (evens only)

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students received their surprise costs to add to their budget sheets.  They then started adding costs for household item costs, personal care costs, and grooming costs.  Homework: No homework. Tomorrow, students will be meeting with the high school counselors to discuss their schedules. Discussion topics: How much money did you spend/receive with the surprise costs today?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday, April 10

Science: Mrs. Petersen's classes completed investigation 20-A about waves. Mrs. Kettner's class took notes on properties and speed of waves. No homework. Waves quiz will be on Wednesday, April 17.

Geometry: We went over the 10.4 homework and took notes on 10.5 (other angle relationships in circles). Homework is the 10.5 worksheet, quiz tomorrow on 10.1-10.5. 

Spanish I: Students needs to study the vocabulary on pg 167, all irregular verbs, and the ar,er,ir verb endings for the test this Friday. They also should practice the five questions that will be on the test.

Tech 8 (Stein): Started the Family Budget Project

Humanities: Students turned in parent signatures for projects, reviewed 13.1/13.2 and were introduced to 13.3 in class. Homework is to finish 13.3 section assessment and write project topics, three possible questions, and three possible resources for inquiry projects for tomorrow.

Course 3: Today we reviewed many percent concepts.  We went over this in class.  No homework. 2nd hour homework is worksheet 7.7, 1-11 odds and 13-16.

Pre-Algebra: We worked on a Chapter Review.  If you didn't finish it, it is homework.  We have a test tomorrow.
Algebra: Homework:  FOIL practice!  Crazy amount of problems, but most of you finished in class (or close to it).  We need to be super proficient at multiplying polynomials before we start factoring tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday, April 9

Geometry: Went over the 10.3 homework and 10.4 notes (using inscribed angles & polygons in circles). Homework is 10.4 worksheet, quiz on 10.1-10.5 Thursday.

Science: Mrs. Kettner's class completed Investigation 19-A (period of pendulums), Mrs. Petersen's class took notes on Harmonic motion (pages 414-417). Homework for all classes is Period &  Frequency worksheet. 

Spanish I: Stapled worksheet is due tomorrow (the one with the personal a and conjugating verbs) Also, study your vocabulary, verbs, and questions for the 2.3 test this Friday.

Pre-Algebra: We worked in class on probability packet and a review for our test on Thursday.  Probability packet is homework if it is not finished in class.

Algebra: After checking that huge packet and answering questions, we discussed section 9.4.  Homework: worksheet 9.4 (attached).

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued on their monthly budget sheet by adding in the cost of Life Insurance.  I also put up on the board a list of expenses they should already have in their Excel sheet.  They will continue to find these costs and print the proof for their design folders. Homework:
No homework. Discussion topics: How much life insurance did you figure your family would need?

ELA: Students turned in their Grammar Packets from yesterday (5.1-5.3) and began work on Day 4 of our Persuasive Research Writer's Workshop.  We read two essays that proved a point, then picked them apart, noticing where they could have done a better job and/or where they did a good job.  Students then looked through their journals for topics that repeated often and decided if these topics would be good for their Persuasive Research Paper. For tomorrow students need to have three statements that take a stand on their topics.  We will check these statements for which one is the strongest and will have the most research backing both sides of the debate. Homework: Finish statements. READ! Journal entry #5

Humanities: Students received checked 13.1, received project rubrics and were introduced to 13.2 guided reading in class. Homework is to have parents read and sign the project rubric, and complete 13.2 guided reading for tomorrow.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday, April 8

Science: Mrs. Kettner's class read and took notes about the period and frequency of oscillators. Mrs. Petersen's classes completed investigation 19-A, involving period and frequency of oscillators.

Geometry: Today we learned how to solve equations using the TI-Nspire Calculators, went over the 10.2 homework and took notes on 10.3. Homework is the 10.3 worksheet. 10.1-10.4 quiz on Wednesday. 

Spanish I: Single page worksheet is due tomorrow (the one with translations on one side and fill in the blanks on the other side). Also, study your vocabulary, verbs, and questions for the 2.3 test this Friday.

Humanities: Mrs. Weiss presented high school scheduling information with students in class today. Homework is to complete 13.1 section assessment for tomorrow.

Course 3: We worked on mark-ups and discounts.  Homework is worksheet 7.6, #1-13 odds and #21.

Technology 8 - Orlando What we did today: Students continued on their monthly budget sheet by adding in the cost of childcare, diapers, and extra curricular activities Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: How much does is cost to put a child in daycare for one month?  Is it typically cheaper or more expensive to place the child in a daycare center or in an at home daycare?

Pre-Algebra: No homework tonight.  We started discussing probability.  Our chapter test is this Thursday!
Algebra: Polynomial packets are due tomorrow.

ELA - Welcome back!  Today we will be easing back into the swing of things with Adjectives!  Grammar Packet 5.1-5.3 is basically a review of how to locate Adjectives and the words they modify. Homework: READ! Finish Grammar and Journal entry #3 for 4th Marking Period.