Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 26

Science: Presented circuit projects, no homework!

Geometry: Discussed tessellations assignment. No homework!

Pre-Algebra: We are finishing up our Scale Model Projects (due by Thursday) and starting probability. 
Algebra: We did a review of section 9.1 (which we discussed 1st semester) and combined 9.2-9.4 which is multiplying polynomials.  Remember FOIL!!!  (First - Outside - Inside - Last).  Students received a big packet (seems big, but will not take too long to do) which is due Tuesday 4/9.  I have attached a copy. 

Humanities: Students worked on political cartoons in class. Homework is to complete political cartoons.  Remember, students are expected to have research, the cartoon and a written explanation of the cartoon (and issue) by tomorrow.

Spanish I: No homework, other than studying for the test on April 12th

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students worked to finish finding their monthly car costs today.  I continued doing an individual check of research.  I also showed students how to begin their budget using a basic template on Microsoft Excel. Homework: No homework. *We will continue working on this project after break, so we have plenty of time to continue quality research.  Discussion topics: According to the budget sheet, how much money do you have left once you factor in your housing, your utilities, and your car?

ELA - Students turned in their Journals today for a Summative Assessment grade (as the in school entries were part of either Reader's Workshop or Writer's Workshop).  We continued on with our Persuasive Research Writer's Workshop and spoke about Point of View.  We read "The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!", The Lost Generation (video on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRG4ySdi_aE) and read "If games had come before books http://odewire.com/52301/if-games-had-come-before-books.html. Attached is the Teaching Point and the activity for Day 2. Homework: READ! 4 more books due for 4th Marking Period (one will be a Historical Fiction read in class)

Tech 8 (Stein): Modifying and formatting cells and working with tabs in Microsoft Excel.