Science: Went over acceleration homework. Students worked in groups on presenting notes to the class. Open note & homework quiz on Monday.
Geometry: Activity to prove SSS & stability of triangles!
Algebra: Students reviewed absolute value equations (6.5) and then learned about absolute value inequailities (6.6). Tonight's homework is 6.6 absolute value inequalities (6.6). Students will have a test on 3.5-3.8 and 6.5-6.6 on Tuesdsay, Nov.17th.
Algebra 2: Students took notes on 5.2 and 5.3 in class. They have quiz on 5.2 and 5.3 on Friday.
Pre Algebra: Students are working on 3.2 and have 3.2 homework tonight.
Course 3: Baker- Students have 5.1 homework tonight. Austin- We went over homework sheet 3.3. We took notes on lesson 3.4 (writing two-step equations). Homework - worksheet 3.4, all.
LA - Students continued to research their "most important person". There was not a journal assigned for today. HW - working on their persuasive essay.
Journalism - Students wrote their own obits. They peer edited their papers and then typed up the final draft which was due at the end of the hour. HW - None
Humanities: Finished KWL and guiding questions for our study of the Revolution in class. No homework.
8th Gr Int Tech - Procedure due today LegoRobotics still sorting
8th Gr Career Tech - Finishing up Internet Search and Bibliography
Spanish 1: Write full sentences for p. 83#13, questions 1-5, both parts.
Spanish 8: We are working on our project. No homework.