Science: Continued to work on the energy packet, any sheets not completed in class are homework.
Geometry: Went over the 6.1 notes (ratios, proportions and the geometric mean). 6.1 worksheet is homework.
Language Arts: Students Read quietly and took Ar quizzes, remember the second AR quiz for this marking period is due Friday. Students signed up for the "Literary Elements" quiz retake which will be given in my room during lunch today and Thursday. The signup sheet is posted by the door on the red FYI bulletin board. Only those that missed due to absence and with a 63% or lower are eligible to come take the quiz. We started our Literary Analysis. Each student chose one of the Short Stories we read over the last two weeks, we then expanded on two sentences from their story. I modeled this with the students using The Giver as an example. A copy of the poster is attached and posted on my web page on the Berkley Schools website. Homework: READ and write a journal entry for home.
Spanish I: Students have been given vocabulary and study guides for the midterm in January. Start studying them now.
Humanities: Students checked tests, reviewed chapter 6 and began to work on 6.3 free choice in class. Homework is to complete 6.3 and a current event by tomorrow.
Algebra (Graham): Discussed the slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines. Great stuff! Homework is worksheet 5.5 (1-9)
Algebra (Hill): Finish problem 3 in section 5.2 of your note taking guide