Science: "Is the Force with you?" Today students did jigsaw notes for pages 28-31. No homework.
Geometry: 4.2 Notes (Triangle Congruence). 4.2 worksheet for homework. Unit 4 quiz Monday, November 15.
Algebra: 1st hour: No homework. 4th and 6th hour - 3.8 homework
Pre Algebra: Ch. 3.1 Homework
Course 3: Baker- 3.3 W.S. Odds. Austin - Took notes on lesson 3.2. Homework-ws 3.2 # 3-20.
Algebra 2: Ch. 4 Part II test is tomorrow.
Social Studies: Students reviewed folders and quizzes in class today and then began a discussion on the American Revolution. No homework this evening. Current event due Wednesday.
LA - Journal #9 - What makes a person important? Students came up with criteria on what makes a person important. We then discussed the 3 important historical figures covered in class and used the criteria to prove out of those 3 who is the most important person. The information is first based on opinion and then they had to base facts on their opinion to prove or persuade that in fact that person is indeed important. This is all in preparation for their researched based persuasive essay. HW: thinking of a person that they think is most important to them in the last 100 years.
Journalism - I collected their "review" articles. (Sports, movie or restaurant). We finished our "lost at sea" team building lesson. Students came up with discussion questions to ask our guest speaker tomorrow.
Spanish 1: There is no written homework tonight, but please study vocabulary.
Spanish 8: Please do Worksheet #1 about la familia.
8th Grade Car Tech - New Marking Period, sending home practices and expectations for signature.
8th Grade Int Tech - working on Process and Evaluation for SS Webquest.