Geometry: Students took their midterm exam. Kitchen geometry project is due on Thursday, we will begin chapter 7 tomorrow.
Science: 4th & 6th hour played Jeapardy for Unit 3. Review is due on Thursday. Roller Coaster lab is due tomorrow!
Social Studies: Students shared current events and began a historical inquiry in class today. 9.1 section assessment due Wednesday. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
Algebra: Took mid-term, No homework
Technology-Moodle Module 1 Part 2 Students viewed Resources and Videos on Safety Online and How Much Information is Too Much. They recorded their findings on a resource sheet and submitted it through Moodle. A forum discussing the pitfalls of Myspace and Facebook and a "Web License Quiz" are due Monday January 31st.
Spanish 8 and Spanish I: vocabulary quiz this Thursday.
LA - Today was an F day so I only met with 2,4, and 6th hours. Students were handed their own composition book to use for our "writers workshop." They had time to decorate it in class and we went over how the workshop will be done in class. "Teaching Point" today - To write a literary essay you must live in the world of the story. You must experience the story intensely. HW - working on finishing "The Giver" book and packet. Also start working on their community project due 2/8.