Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 9

Science: Played jeopardy to review for Friday's test and band students turned in their review. Electricity test review is due tomorrow (it will be passed back on Wednesday). Tomorrow is also our last project work day and the last opportunity for students to get help from me on the circuit project. Electricity unit test Friday, March 13, What is Safe Circuit Project and Paper due Monday, March 16.

Geometry: Notes on area formula, homework is area practice. Unit 6 test Friday, March 13.

Humanities: Students received high school scheduling information, checked 11.1, and shared current events in class. No homework.

RR English: Logs are due every Monday. New logs were passed out today. Please follow what the log asks you to do. We have reviewed this in class several times. Late logs need to be turned in tomorrow.

RR Math: Math packets will be passed out today or tomorrow and will be due 3/20. Late math homework from last week still needs to get turned in as well.

ELA - We began reading Iqbal for our community read. Students created a See, Think, Wonder chart from examining the front cover of the book. We then read the first chapter. Students will write predictions abut the book's main character. This journal entry will be checked in as homework tomorrow. Homework: Journal entry #3.33

Technology - Students finished up and checked in their rough drafts of their Family Budget Presentation. Presentations will begin on Wednesday.

Algebra: Test on Wednesday! Today students were provided with answers to the Practice Test. Homework: Pre-test warm-up

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: Today, we reviewed the (tener/venir) questions again from the Think, Puzzle, Explore routine from last Thursday. Students also worked on their Test Review sheets. TAREA: Complete Test Review worksheets for tomorrow's class. The Chapter 3 TEST has been moved to Friday, March 13 due to a field trip and a half day of school.