Parent Teacher Conferences are Wednesday & Thursday
Science: Mrs. Kettner's class did investigation 14-A, all other classes took notes on series and parallel circuits. No homework, lab corrections will be passed back tomorrow. Quiz on Electricity Friday!
Geometry: Took notes on section 9.1 (translations and vector notation) and chapter 8 tests (98% Average!) were returned. 9.1 worksheet is homework, 9.1-9.4 quiz will be on Tuesday, March 12.
Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students began presenting their college/university Prezi to the class. Homework: College Presentations will continue Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Discussion topics: Did the presentations today engage you as someone in the audience? What strong elements did the presentation have? Where could they have improved?
Spanish I: My blog is working again, so remember to check it every day for a more in depth detail of daily lessons Study for the 2.3 quiz (part 1) tomorrow. Remember that the vocab packet 2.3 and sentences are due tomorrow.
Humanities: Students worked on chapter 11 assessment in class. Chapter 11 assessment is due tomorrow. Current events are due Friday.
Pre-Algebra: Homework: 6 graphing problems. Test on Thursday
Algebra Worked on dividing exponents. Homework: worksheet 8.2
(all). Quiz next Monday covering sections
Course 3: Today we worked on graphing equations using the slope and the y-intercept. We
also started to review for our chapter 11 test on Monday.