Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday, April 17

Science: Students investigated properties of sound by visiting different sound stations.

Geometry: Investigated slope and perpendicular lines, homework is the slope and perpendicular lines practice.

C. Reading:  Reading logs got passed out Monday.  All five days, filled out completely, will be due Tuesday 4/22/14.

R. Room Math: 
Homework packets were passed out Monday.  Tentative due date is Monday 4/28/14.  If we keep that date, that is when our next test will be as well.  Keep up on your X facts!  This is part of your homework packet. Red group should finish their workbook pages if they did not in class today.

Humanities: Students completed our chapter 15 assessment in class today. No homework.

Spanish I: Today we are beginning our classwork packets, starting with Escuchar. HW--3.1 WKST #3 (ser vs. estar review)--due Tuesday. 3.1 vocab quiz-Wednesday.

ELA - Historical Fiction Day 9 Teaching point- Power. Students finished up their Historical Fiction books with reading the Author's notes and discovering the how much of the book was fiction and how much was actual historical fact.  AR quizzes for the Historical Fiction books are due Tuesday, April 22 (when we get back from the long weekend). Please take the long weekend to talk to your student about the Compare and Contrast Project, we will begin work next week. Homework: READ! READ! READ!

Technology - Kennedy - Students printed their surveys and posted them in the hall. 

Spanish II: Study for the vocab quiz on Tuesday.

French I: Begin flashcards for chapter 7.

Chinese: We are going to continue practicing how to ask and express how and when someone goes somewhere by what transportation in speaking and writing. We are learning to write L12 Text 2 characters. Class/home work will be writing L12 Text 2 characters.

Pre-Algebra - Today we discovered a proportion that can be used to solve percent problems. We completed examples in which a proportion was used to solve. (is/of = %/100). HW: Daily Math 4/14-4/17 will be collected Tuesday

Course 3: We started lesson 8.8.  Homework is worksheet 8.8, #1 - 4, & 10.

Algebra - Homework is 10.3  Have a great weekend!