Science: Went over the Energy Packet and practiced calculating potential and kinetic energy. Potential & Kinetic Energy worksheet is homework.
Geometry: Went over the practice test. Chapter review odds is homework. Chapter 5 test is tomorrow.
Pre-Algebra: We worked on lesson 4.2 on greatest common factors. Homework-worksheet 4.2 4-26, evens only.
LA - today we read Ch 13 in the Pigman. We will finish the last 2 chapters tomorrow. We watched the documentary of Jackie Robinson in conjunction with our biography unit. Students were to answer the question "What did you learn that you did not already know about him from our readings?" HW - working on their cereal box project. Due Tuesday Jan 4th.
Social Studies: Students reviewed chapter 7, corrected 7.2 section assessment and were introduced to 7.3 in class. Homework is to complete 7.3 guided reading. Current events due "C" and "F" days.