Science: Today we worked on the unit 2 review. This assignment is due Thursday. Students must write complete sentences or make problem solving boxes for each question. There is a total of 34 questions. Pg. 54: Vocabulary (#1-11), Reviewing Concepts (#2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14 & 18), Solving Problems (#2-7). Pg. 80: Vocabulary (#3 & 4), Reviewing Concepts (#2, 3, 4 & 7), Solving Problems (#2-4). Test is Friday.
Geometry: 5.5 notes in class, 5.5 worksheet for homework. 5.1-5.4 quiz tomorrow. Chapter 5 test Monday, December 14.
Algebra: Today we did an in class activity called "Barbie Bungee". Students gathered data and have the barbie bungee packet (please see Friday's blog post for the packet) to complete tomorrow in class. 4.6 is also due tomorrow. Please see attached sheet for directions on how to find the line of best fit (linear regression) on the graphing calculator.
Course 3: Baker- Students have quiz today. No homework. Austin- We started notes on lesson 5.5 (changing fractions to decimals and vice versa). Homework - worksheet 5.5, # 8-15, 20-23.
Pre Algebra: We are working to complete chapter 3. Students have 3.6 homework tonight. Chapter 3 test on Wednesday.
Algebra 2: Students had time to finish their Chapter 5 test today and afterward worked on taking notes on Chapter 6, Section 1. No homework. Please see attached Chapter 6 Homework log.
Social Studies: Students shared story boards assigned Friday as a review of 7.1-7.3. After discussing 7.4 in class, students were assigned notes for 7.4 (see attached). Notes and homework folders are due Tuesday. Current events are due Wednesday.
LA - Checked the "Pigman" vocabulary homework. Quiz on "The Pigman" vocabulary and Ch 1-4 - 12/8. Students learned about possessive nouns. The quiz is on Wednesday 12/9.
I will also be collecting the bio/autobiography worksheets tomorrow for a homework grade. HW - study for Pigman quiz. Possessive nouns packet should be completed as well as the bio worksheets.
Journalism - Students watched a video on how the internet is drastically changing the way media is covered and sent out to the masses. No homework.
Spanish 1: Please do the photocopy of p. 35 of the workbook and then copy activity 7 one more time, writing the full sentence as you pay attention to details. Also, LEARN YOUR VOCABULARY!
Spanish 8: Finish the fill-in-the-blank sheet about bullfighting. There will be a small quiz on Wednesday about bullfighting facts.
Career Tech - Investigate due Thursday, Design to begin, the packet is attached
Int Tech - Sorting legos and beginning lego robotics