Science: Today we peer reviewed the "Candy Coated Lab". Final draft is due on Monday, September 19. Click here for a copy of the rubric.
Geometry: Completed the 1.4 notes (measuring angles & angle bisectors). 1.4 worksheet is homework. 1.1-1.4 quiz tomorrow!
Language Arts: Due today - Text Reading Strategies Students made "Cootie Catchers" with their vocabulary words. They then practiced their words. We then worked on long reading selection test taking skills. Students have a packet of a sample test to take tonight and we will review it tomorrow. Homework- Study vocabulary words, Reading Test Model - "Finding a Bit of History". Tomorrow - Vocabulary Quiz - Review Reading Test Model.
Art 7/8: Sketchbook covers continued. Most students are on the black marker portion.
Advanced Art grade 8: Day 3 of still life. Value bars will be completed today. Demonstration on blending stumps and into about "Flower Pun" drawings.
Spanish I: Alphabet quiz on Tuesday, Sept 20th. Retakes on today's vocab quiz can be at any lunch time starting tomorrow. Date homework is due tomorrow.
Humanities: Students celebrated Constitution Day and discussed how this document provides use with shared values. No homework.
Pre-Algebra: We started new notes on variables and expressions. Students were given a take home quiz on stem-and-leafs and box-and-whiskers. They can use any notes or homework assignments to complete this. It is a quiz grade.
Algebra (Graham): Homework Worksheet 1.5B (evens only), Quiz tomorrow over sections 1.1-1.5. I can feel the high stress level in our discussions about the upcoming quiz. They can look over problems and examples in the textbook, look over their notes, and come and see me in the tech room at lunch (they need to get a pass first).
Algebra (Hill): Today we studied problem solving strategies as they apply to story problems. Homework: Page 32 problems 14-18