Science: Electricity quiz tomorrow.
Geometry: 8.2 notes in class (properties of parallelograms) and 8.2 worksheet is homework. 8.1-8.3 quiz on Tuesday.
Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 11 and were introduced to chapter 12 in class today. No homework.
Course 3: Austin- We finished notes on lesson 7.5. Homework- Worksheet 7.5 #7-12, 14-24 (evens). Baker- Students took 7.1-7.4 Quiz. No homework.
Algebra: Students did Chapter 7 Review 1-31 ALL. Due tomorrow. Students also received 7.1-7.4 Quiz and can do quiz corrections due on Monday.
Algebra 2: Students went over midterm scores and studied for Chapter 8 Exam tomorrow.
Pre Algebra: 6.3 and 6.3 homework tonight.
LA - Continued reading "The Outsiders". Student's corrected the pronoun packet so they can study for their quiz on Tuesday. The literary analysis rough draft is due tomorrow for peer editing. (only the first 3 paragraphs). Attached are the directions (TKM & WGB) and rubric for the paper. Students were to pick one choice out of the 3 given to write on. HW - work on paper (rough draft due tomorrow), finish novels (due Monday 3/8). Novel test, novel worksheets, and final paper are due 3/12.
Journalism - placement of articles. Start to gather background information and prepare questions for next edition. HW - none