Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, April 24

Science: Quizzes were returned and students had an opportunity to do quiz corrections, which are due on Friday. We also investigated how length of a straw affects the sound a kazoo makes. Finally, students shown the survey they will be taking regarding Legacy Day.

Geometry: Went over the 11.3 homework and took notes on 11.4 (arc length). Homework is the 11.4 worksheet, chapter 11 quiz is Friday.

Humanities: Students continued presentations, turned in homework folders, and checked 15.1 in class. Homework is to summarize 15.2. No current events this week.

Spanish I: Write the four sentences for the test on Monday and Tuesday. The sentences are due tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): Family Budget Research

ELA - Students checked their Grammar 5.6-5.7 from yesterday and then had the rest of the hour to read silently and/or Work on Grammar 6.1-6.2 Prepositions.  Homework: Grammar, READ!, Journal # 19

Course 3: Today we continued to work on angle and triangle relationships.  Homework is a handmade worksheet with 5 questions. 2nd hour-worksheet 8.2, # 1 -12.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued working on their family budget projects. Homework: Family Budget presentations will begin on Monday. Discussion topics: How many outstanding items do you need to complete for your project?

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