Science: Went over Law of Reflection homework and watched Bill Nye "Light & Optics". Began working on Refraction & Ray Diagram homework.
Geometry: Took the chapter 12 test & began reviewing for the final exam. Page 908-909 (odds) for homework.
Algebra: Simplifying radical expressions notes. Homework: Pg. 723 # 4-18 even, 26-32 even, 34-38 even, 46, 48. Final exam on June 8th and 9th
Algebra 2: 14.5 Notes and homework. Chapter 14 test on Tuesday. Final exam on June 10th and 11th.
Pre Algebra: Slope activity and discussion.
Course 3: Solving algebraic equations and linear equation discussion.
LA - Checked grammar homework "quotations" and italics. Quiz is tomorrow. Students read an excerpt from Snow Falling on Cedars, and they had to do a plot plan. HW - Study for quiz. First date to turn in final drafts 5/27. Finish novels (due Tuesday 6/1).
Journalism - finish final drafts. HW - none
Social Studies: Students took Civil War test and turned in homework folders in class. Current events due tomorrow (Thursday).
Career Tech - Students are in the "Create" portion of the Design Cycle. Presentations will begin tomorrow.