Science- Wednesday, June 4
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday, June 5 & Friday, June 6
Pre-Algebra- Thursday, June 5 & Friday, June 6
Spanish II & French - Friday, June 6 & Monday, June 9
Chinese- Friday, June 6
Science: Completed notes on The Electromagnetic Spectrum, and then students worked with their tables to develop a mnemonic device to help memorize the spectrum. Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" Thursday, May 29.
Geometry: Finished chapter 12 with 12.7 notes. Homework is the 12.7 worksheet. Chapter 12 test is Friday, May 30.
Humanities: Students checked chapter 18 assessment and reviewed for our chapter 18
test in class today. Homework is to study for the chapter 18 test for tomorrow.
Course 3: Iowa Algebra Aptitude test today. No homework. Final Exam is June
5th and 6th.
C. Reading: Logs are due today. If you forgot your log, I will take them tomorrow for late points. New logs are due 6/2/14 and were passed out today.
R. Room Math: Students with have their next test/homework packet due date on 6/6/14. Students should practice what they are learning in class at home daily. Purple group needs to complete Week 3, Day 2 workbook pages if they did not finish them in class.
Algebra- Chapter 11 Test tomorrow. Attached are the review and answers
ELA - Students typed and printed their final draft of their "This I
Believe" statements (all color printers are out of order so these will be hand
illustrated), I wanted students to have time to illustrate before the due date
of Friday. Homework: illustrate, Journal entry #49, READ!
Technology - Kennedy - Family Budget Rough Drafts are due tomorrow.
Students will compile all print evidence in a Design Folder, each section
separated (Investigate, Plan, Create, Evaluate) to check what belongs in each
section please see the project packet directions.
Pre-Algebra: Today we created a foldable for our ISN to review the steps of
Polynomial addition and subtractions. We also looked at two different methods
for multiplying polynomials (FOIL and boxes). Students may use either method to
complete their homework. HW: Multiplying Polynomials worksheet (1-10). Final Exam will be on Thursday, June 5th - we will spend lots of class time
reviewing. Students scoring below a C- on the Percent Applications Quiz will retake
during lunch on Thursday, May 29th. Students must have their original quiz with
Spanish I: Today we took a practice test and a Grammar Quiz. I also distributed
Fiesta, for extra credit (complete, correct, and by Thursday-no exceptions).
See me for extras--not on blog. Wednesday--LAB and 3.2 Vocab re-take