Science: Worked on writing rough draft of the efficiency lab. We will continue to work on the rough draft next week. Peer review will be Thursday, January 28 and final lab is due Monday, February 1.
Geometry: Midterm review packet chapters 1-4 (#1-43). Midterm is Tuesday & Wednesday January 26 & 27.
Algebra: Students worked on Chapter 5 Practice Test which is due on Monday. Chapter 5 and 6.7 Test on Tuesday, January 26th. Midterm review from January 27-Feb 2. Midterm Feb 3rd and 4th.
Algebra 2: Students have 7.3 and 7.4 Homework tonight.
Course 3: Baker-Today students designed a concept map/graphic organizer for multi-step equations. If not finished, it will be homework. All missing work due on Tuesday, January 26th by 3:30pm and I will not accept work after that. Austin- Students finished and looked over their quizzes. We took a timed multiplication test. We also practiced multi-step equations with decimals. No homework.
Pre Algebra: Today students continued the opportunity to "catch up". All missing assignments are due on January 26th by 3:30pm. I will not accept work after that.
Social Studies: Students shared current events and watched a video on the presidency of the United States in preparation for our next chapter on "A New Nation."There is no homework for the weekend.
LA - Journal #14 - What is stereotyping? Does it have a positive or negative effect on people? Explain. We discussed stereotyping. What are some stereotypes you have heard? Where do you hear them? Why do we have them? Students took their verb quiz and handed in their grammar packet. We discussed both novels and pointed out the stereotypes in each. HW - TKM Ch4-6 and reflection journal Ch1-3 due Tuesday. WGTB Ch 2-3 and reflection journal due Tuesday.
Journalism - Student's sold the 2nd edition of the Hawk's Nest and ½ the proceeds went to the Haiti Now fund. Students worked on their news features. HW - none.