Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ramin - ELA

- Students wrote in their journals about what a perfect world, in their opinion, would look like (entry 1.23), then we discussed their responses.
- Students were introduced to the Science Fiction/Dystopian genre
- Reader's Workshop - Day 1: Setting (1.24)
- Students had time to begin reading The Giver in class

- Read Chapters 1 and 2 of The Giver
- Free Write Topic (1.25): Based on what you've read so far, begin formulating a theory about the Community and explain why you think that in your journals.


8th Grade ELA

We began The Giver by Lois Lowry this week.  Please remember to check Google Classroom for the daily assignments.  There is an app that will send you reminders and updates on your phone.  You can then access your classroom from anywhere :)

Ginger Kennedy
6th-8th Tech & 8th Grade English
Norup International School
Berkley School District
(248)837-8314 vkennedy@berkleyschools.org

Geometry- Tuesday, October 13

Classwork: Went over the practice test/review

Homework: Review for the test tomorrow:  See the practice proofs I've posted on previous days, make flashcards with the different postulates and theorems (they are all in your notes) that might be used.

Discussion Starters: How can you be prepared for tomorrow's test?

Science- Tuesday, October 13

Classwork: We practiced applying the formula for acceleration with student generated problems, focusing on positive and negative acceleration, units and coming to a stop/starting from rest.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: Ask your student what is the difference between positive and negative acceleration.

Individuals and Societies

-Students reviewed the causes of the American Revolution in class today.
-Homework is to study for the summative assessment tomorrow.  The causes (need to know six) can be found in sections 3.4 and 3.5 of the textbook.

Canvasser 10.13.15

RR English: Student reading logs were due on Monday-late logs need to be turned in ASAP. New logs were also passed out on Monday. Students need to read at least 20 minutes 5X/week and do each readers response. Please remember to get a parent signature, as that is part of your grade. Logs will be due on Monday 10/19/15.

RR Math: Students have a test Thursday. Study each night. Cover up problems, and re-work them! Students have a homework packet, multiplication sheet (that needs to be signed) also due on Thursday. If you turn your homework in early, I will check it and give it back so you can use that as another study tool!