Geometry: Discussed translations, homework is the translation practice in the transformation packet. Translation quiz is on Friday.
C. Reading: Read daily. Logs are due Monday.
R. Room Math: Homework packets are due this Friday. You will have a test this Friday. I am happy to check your homework prior to the test. If you can do the will be fine on the test :)
Humanities: Students checked 6.2 and shared current events in class. No homework.
Spanish (Tomlinson): Study flashcards for vocab quiz on Friday (quiz yourself AND have
parent/sib/friend quiz you also)
Course 3: We have a quiz on lessons 5.1 - 5.4 on Friday. Students were given the review today. It is homework if they did not finish.
Spanish (Farah): Gender of nouns and Gender Agreement.
Course 3: We have a quiz on lessons 5.1 - 5.4 on Friday. Students were given the review today. It is homework if they did not finish.
Spanish (Farah): Gender of nouns and Gender Agreement.
ELA - I must not have sent in yesterday's blog, I have both Day 5 and Day 6 attached. Sorry! For Writer's Workshop Day 6 students worked on writing
paragraphs with evidence proving their claim properly utilized.
Homework: READ! you should be halfway through your first book
for second marking period, Journal entry #6
Spanish II: The project of tener pictures was due yesterday and must
be colored. The review worksheet part 1 (on weather and tener expressions) must be
turned in on Wednesday, Nov 13th - the day of the chapter test. I will be gone Thursday and Friday this week. I will be going to a
world language conference in Lansing. Please pay attention to the sub's
instructions on homework and when it is due and CHECK MY BLOG Chapter test on 3.3 on Wednesday, November 13th. You got your study guide
yesterday and it is on my blog. What we learned today: direct object pronouns
and the present progressive tense WILL be on the chapter
French I: Monday was writing and asking oral questions, and nothing written was
due. Yesterday you were supposed to write an All About me and turn it in. It was
due today if you didn't finish it. Today we finished the listening part of the test. Your homework is now to
start studying the new vocab words: the purple ones on pg 73. I will be gone Thursday and Friday this week. I will be going to a
world language conference in Lansing. Please pay attention to the sub's
instructions on homework and when it is due and CHECK MY BLOG
Pre-Algebra: In the current unit, we will continue our exploration of equation solving, this time incorporating more complex problems/processes, as well as problem solving with equations. HW: 2-step equation puzzle worksheet (show all work and a "check" for each problem)
Pre-Algebra: In the current unit, we will continue our exploration of equation solving, this time incorporating more complex problems/processes, as well as problem solving with equations. HW: 2-step equation puzzle worksheet (show all work and a "check" for each problem)
Creative Writing: Today in creative writing we began Persuasive Writing: Writer's Workshop,
lesson one for our next paper. Practiced fact vs. opinion. Homework: