Tonight: Fundraiser for 5th grade camp at Bagger Dave's, click here for the flyer!
Science: Peer review for "How Fast Am I?", the final draft of the lab is due on Thursday, october 20 (click here for the rubric). I will return these labs to parents at conferences next week. Unit 1 test is Tuesday, October 25, we will spend the rest of this week reviewing for the test.
Geometry: Practiced proofs for Thursday's test. Homework is to bring in a slogan or advertisement for a favorite product or company. Geometry class does not meet again until Thursday due to MEAP testing.
Language Arts: Students were reminded that there are two weeks left of the marking period and many do not have all three of their AR books done. This week (and last week) is perfect for catching up on reading. The ONLY thing you can do after MEAP is read a book. I updated all grades on Friday evening in regards to AR. Any quizzes that have been taken have been entered with the name of the book that coincides with the quiz grade. Please check Family Access and speak with your student. Students were given time to read, take AR quizzes, or work on illustrations. We then discussed the new vocabulary list (attached) and worked quietly. I will not see morning classes tomorrow or Wednesday. Illustrations and final published pieces are due from morning classes on Monday, afternoon classes on Wednesday.
Humanities: Students received homework grades, read 2.1 and worked on questions for 2.1 in class. Homework is to complete 2.1 questions. Current events due Wednesday.
Phys. Ed. Question for October: Now that school has started, how has your physical activity level changed? How are you fitting in daily exercise? What are some of the activities you are doing and how often? What activities influence you to be inactive? Essays should be informative, neat and completed on time. Papers are due on or before Thursday, October 20, 2011.
Pre-Algebra: We did a mini assessment of the properties we have learned. We started to talk about the distributive property. No homework.
Algebra (Hill): Today we studied how to solve multistage equations. Our homework is to finish our section 3.3 worksheet we received in class today.
Algebra (Graham): Trying to keep it light because of the MEAP, but we still need to stay close the high school schedule. Discussed sections 3.4/6.3. Homework is to finish the notes.