Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 10

Science: Graphed the data that was collected on Friday and then discussed what the data tells us about the presence of force acting on the car based on Newton's 1st & 2nd law. 


Pre-Algebra: We worked on the quarterlies today. No homework.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, November 17
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math homework due November 17
TEST: November 17

Humanities: Students prepared for project presentations tomorrow. Homework is to prepare for our "Declaration Projects" tomorrow. Current events are due Friday.

ELA- Students took their Pronoun Quiz, we then moved on to Writer's Workshop. Students began their Writer's Workshop for Literary Analysis today with a discussion about what a short story is about. We discussed theme and how to read a narrative to analyze. Marking up our text packs with questions, sign-posts, etc. We then wrote about what all these notes meant to the meaning of the story. Tonight's journal entry is a homework assignment from our Writer's Workshop. Homework: Journal entry #2.6 - Read

Algebra: Homework: corrections on graphing packet and worksheet 4.5

Chinese: Test on Friday, Nov 14. Details please check the class blog.

French 2 10.2 worksheet is due on Wednesday

8th grade P.E. Homework:
 Answer the following questions in essay form
·       Now that the weather is turning colder, how are you fitting in daily exercise?  Describe the activities you are doing and how often.
·       What activities influence you to be inactive?
·       What other kinds of healthy lifestyle choices do you incorporate into your daily routine
Ø Essays should be informative.
Ø 1-2 pages in length and in final draft form.
Ø A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write.  Must be legible.
Ø Double check your spelling.

Papers are due on or before Monday, November 17You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.