Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Stein - Math 8 Plus - Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Students completed Investigation 5.1, A-C on page 80. Students also worked on ACE questions 1-4 (p. 89), 12-15 (p. 94-95) and 40 (p. 99). We also started 5.2 on page 82.


Start looking over your notes from the whole book. Practice problems are available on Math IXL. Notes and practice links are available at http://norupstein.weebly.com/math-8-plus-homework-and-answers .


The Looking for Pythagoras Unit Test will be Monday, June 13. Books will also be due that day.


Geometry- Tuesday, June 7

Classwork- Went over unit 5 & 6 final exam review and discussed what types of things students might want to focus on studying.

Homework: Unit 7 review (#36-59, pages #8-12)

Science- Tuesday, June 7

Classwork: Continued working on the review. Some students also took the tech assessment https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BBW5SZB

Homework: Review is due tomorrow (see science folder for copy)

Canvasser 6.7.16 Tuesday

RR ELA- Reading logs were due yesterday, if you need to turn one in you may do so tomorrow for late points! The new reading logs are due Monday (6.13.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( five days a week). You must complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- Red group can finish workbook pages, if you did not finish in class. Blue group continued to work on homework/test corrections. The math packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Friday (6.10.16) and your math test will also be on Friday (6.10.16). Your notes, math packet, and workbook pages are great study tools!