Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday, April 4

Science: Students read and took notes on wave interactions. I've attached a copy of the reading for absent students, they should take notes on these pages in their note-taking guides- LOTS OF PICTURES! 

Geometry: Practiced completing the square & then finding the equation of a circle. Here's the link to the video from Kahn academy for help completing the rest of the practice for homework.  

C. Reading:  Read!!  No log, enjoy.

R. Room Math: X facts- work on fluency.  No math packet

Course 3: We took the quarterly assessment today.  No homework.  

Spanish 2: Study vocab for the listening section of the test after the break.
French I: The 6.2/6.3 worksheet is due April 14th. The chapter test will be on Wednesday April 16th

Algebra - We did some exploring today with the graphing calculator and parabolas.  No homework.

Spanish I: No HW--quĂ© tenga buenas vacaciones. For those of you who wish to begin chapter 3.1, Flashcards are due on 4/17 Thursday. La leyenda azteca, for those of you who did not finish it, is due on 4/17 Thursday. Vocabulary quiz (3.1)--Wednesday 4/23

ELA - Students continued with their Historical Fiction Reader's Workshop with Day 5 teaching point and active engagement.  Please follow the schedule of the chosen novel. We will have "book club" discussions when we return from break, please be sure that reading happens!  If the student finishes the book, all the better! Homework: READ and have a great break.
Technology - Kennedy - We continued with our lessons to reinforce the skills taught in previous years. We will begin Microsoft Applications and Spreadsheets when we return.