Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12

Science: Took notes, watched a video and practiced Ohm's Law.  Homework is the Ohm's Law worksheet.

Geometry: Went over the test review and did review stations. Homework is to review for tomorrow's test.

C. Reading:  The few students that did not turn in a log, will have one due Monday after vacation.  The rest of you....enjoy reading without a log!

R. Room Math:  We will review for the test after vacation.  The test will be on Thursday 2/27.  Your homework packet is also due on or before 2/27.

Humanities: Students shared current events in class today. No homework.

ELA - Students were given time to take their To Kill a Mockingbird AR quiz, work on their portfolio, and view the classic movie based on the book. TKM AR quiz due tomorrow.  Portfolio due Monday, Feb 24th (the day we get back from break). Homework: Journal entry #20, READ!

Technology- Students worked in Career Forward and watched more videos on globalization. Using notes from yesterday's work and today's work students will write an essay on the impact of technology on globalization. Homework: Essay due Friday.

Spanish II: Begin studying your reflexive and negative tĂș commands for the chapter test after the break.
French I: Begin studying the purple words (first set) on pg 167. Flash cards will be due after the Monday after the break.

Spanish (Tomlinson): 2.2 Vocab--tomorrow (Thurs). 10 questions due tomorrow

Algebra - Test tomorrow.  Answers to the review stations are attached.

Stein Health 8What we did today: Today we finished working on our anti-tobacco advertisements. The directions and rubric can be found on Edmodo. These were due today by the end of the hour. ** Tomorrow, Ms. Helms will be speaking with the class regarding next year's scheduling. The high school counselors will be coming in early April to help students complete scheduling. Tomorrow is simply informational.
Homework: The advertisement is homework if it was not completed in class today.

Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed for tomorrow's assessment on Unit 8. Students received a checklist of things to know and a review sheet. HW: Finish either evens or odds on the Unit 8 Review. Use your checklist to study for tomorrow's test! Happy Studying!

Chinese: There will be an information meeting of 2015 Spring Break China Trip tomorrow night at 7pm in BHS's media center. Yesterday we learned how to address family members by creating an imagination family within class. Today we are doing some workbook exercises on P.76 and 77. Homework is P. 77. 6

Course 3: Today we graphed using the x-intercept and the y-intercept. Homework is worksheet 11.5, #2-14,evens.