Science: Finished notes/discussion on gravity & weight and took the Unit 2 Quiz. Mass vs. Weight is homework.
Geometry: Went over the 4.2 homework and 4.3 notes (SSS triangle congruence). 4.3 worksheet is homework. 4.1-4.5 quiz on Tuesday, November 16. We also discussed the chapter 4 test, which will either be Tuesday, November 23 or Monday, November 29 (before or after Thanksgiving). TBA
Algebra: We reviewed in Algebra today! The review was attached to yesterday's blog. 2nd and 4th hours received all the worked out answers to the review today because I won't see them tomorrow. I am moving 5th hour's test to Friday as well. I am available at lunch and before school for extra help. Happy Studying!
Pre-Algebra: We took notes on lesson 3.2. Homework-worksheet 3.2, # 1-16.
Social Studies: Students worked on chapter 5 assessment and began to review for chapter 5 quiz on Friday. Chapter 5 quiz and homework folders due friday. No current events for "C" day students this week. Chapter 5 study guide is attached.
LA - We discussed the end of the novel Iqbal. Students were involved in many activities that related to the book. They wrote a small reflection summary after the discussion and I collected their work for a classroom grade (credit/no-credit). HW - students should be typing up their final drafts of their persuasive essay which is due this Friday, 11/12.