Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday, March 24 (A-Day)

Science: Did a gallery walk to check the review for tomorrow's test and What is Safe projects were returned. Test tomorrow! Project corrections due Wednesday, March 30.

Geometry: 10.1-10.4 Quiz & 10.5 notes in class. 10.5 worksheet is homework. Chapter 10 test Thursday, March 31.

Art 7/8: "round Robin Picasso" continued.

Advanced Art grade 8: Day 1 of new still life drawing. Students will continue monochromatic painting.

Social Studies: I apologize for the lack of postings as I have been out of the building for the last two days. Students corrected 12.3 guided notes, read 12.4 aloud and worked on 12.4 section assessment in class. 12.4 section assessment is due Friday. Current events due "C" and "F" days.

LA - Literary essays should be turned in at end of the day today or tomorrow. We started reading and discussing the short story "Bishop's Silver." At the end of the stories we read in class we will talk about theme, conflict, plot and literary elements. Eventually there will be a test on both the stories and the elements. HW - Finishing their papers and taking the A.R. quiz on The Outsiders which is due by 3/31.

Algebra: Discussed adding, subtracting, and multiplying polynomials. Introduced finding the greatest common factor of a polynomial and factoring. Homework - worksheet 9.1 (attached)