Geometry: Practiced inscribing polygons in circles. Homework is the 7.3 Practice.
ELA - Students finished their Grammar Chapter 7 packet with Infinitives. I distributed quizzes due to the amount of students that will either be absent or have March Miracles on the mind tomorrow. Many students turned them in, others opted to take them home. They MAY use their grammar packets to do this quiz, they MUST turn them in tomorrow if they took them home.
Technology - Students should be tracking their technology usage for their first Quest in their Digital Footprint unit. Today we continued on to Quest Two, students should be bringing their personal ear buds or head phones for use in class, we are watching a few videos with each Quest. All due dates and links are posted on our Google Classroom
RR ELA: Read daily. Some students were given a make up reading log over vacation due Monday when we return.
RR Math: Homework packet due Monday when we return from vacation. Test on Tuesday 4/14. Study over vacation!
Pre-Algebra: Today students learned the "clearing" method for solving algebraic expressions with fractions and decimals. The homework is 5.6, every other even USING THE CLEARING METHOD ONLY. Number 26 is a story problem and may be done any way, however it must include a mathematical picture to explain their work. Notes and homework are available at .
Humanities: Students reviewed 13.3 and shared current events in class. No homework. I am going to be out of the district tomorrow. Students should work on chapter 13 review in class (there should be time to complete the entire review, and have no homework over break, if students work well in class. Chapter 13 review is due upon our return.
Algebra: homework: 10.6B (evens)