Geometry: Reviewed for the 3.5 & 3.6 "Quest" tomorrow.
RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 15
parents must sign reading logs
RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 16
TEST: Monday, December 16
Humanities: Students checked 6.3 of the text and began to work on 6.2 section assessment in class. Students should work on number five first, then work through numbers one through four. Number six is not required.
Algebra: We are at the end of our chapter. Chapter 5 test will be given next Tuesday (12/16). Homework: Ch 5 review packet is due the end of the hour tomorrow.
Pre-Algebra: Today we completed a Chapter 3 Review. The students were able to check their answers in class. If the review was not complete, it is homework. The answers will be on my website . Please have your child check the answers.
Spanish: WHAT WE DID TODAY: We began reviewing for the Part 1 of the Chapter 2 Test which will be on Monday, December 15. Students received Test Review Packets, and worked on them in class. TAREA:
Study for the Test. Students should have pages 11 - 14 completed in the Test Review Packet for tomorrow's class.
Band: Here's a video pre-view for tomorrow's band concert!