Science: Took the electricity quiz and students were shown their progress report grades.
Geometry: 8.3 notes in class (proving parallelograms). 8.3 worksheet. 8.1-8.3 quiz on Tuesday.
LA - Continued to read and discuss "The Outsiders". Students peer edited their rough drafts (first 3 paragraphs), this counted as a homework grade. Student's continued to work on their papers, worksheets and completing their novels. HW - book must be completed by Monday 3/8. Pronoun quiz 3/9 (grammar packet will be collected for a homework grade). Literary analysis paper is due Friday 3/12, including novel worksheets. The novel test will be given on 3/12 as well.
Journalism - final placement. Students are gathering information for the nest issue. The rough draft is due 3/23. HW - none.
Course 3: Austin- We went over last nights homework. Started lesson 7.6. No homework. Baker- Students learned 7.6. No homework this weekend.
Algebra: We held a Chapter 7 Review session. Chapter 7 Test on Tuesday.
Algebra 2: Students did a Chapter 8 Retake exam
Pre Algebra: No homework tonight, students had a "catch up" day.