Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday, January 15

Geometry: Completed an activity to investigate what Pythagorean Theorem MEANS. Homework is to begin working on the kitchen scale drawing. Final project due date has been changed to Friday, January 25 (1/2 day, we will have breakfast along with project presentations). 

Science: Completed Investigation 3-B and went over the Potential & Kinetic Energy Homework Assignment.

Spanish I: Work on the practice worksheets for the midterm.

Course 3: Today we took the chapter 6 test.  5th hour reviewed.  Their test is tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: Dividing fractions.  Homework:  5.5B (evens). Quiz corrections are due on Wednesday and Problem Solving packet is due on Friday.
Algebra: Chapter 5 test today.  No official homework, but I did offer an extra credit opportunity which is due next week Thursday.

Humanities: Students checked 7.4 section assessment and reviewed 7.2 and 7.3 in class today.Homework is to complete chapter 7 assessment by Thursday.

ELA - students handed in their packets from yesterday and moved on to Subject Complements (Chapter 1 Lesson 8).  I am working on scanning all of the lessons so they can be posted online, due to the heavy grading load of the Literary Essay and the out of class responsibilities, I have been unable to complete this task.  Please be patient.  If your student is absent have them pick up a packet from the "slots" inside my door.  Sorry for the inconvenience and lack of digital resources :) Homework - finish Grammar 1.8, Journal entry #53, READ! DEADLINES - Tuesday, Jan 22 - Last day to take AR Quizzes,Wednesday, Jan 23 - Journal turn in for 2nd card marking a minimum of 56 entries.