8th Graders took the ACT Explore Test in hours #1-3 today.
Science: Reviewed Newton's Laws of Motion for Friday's test.
Geometry: Did not meet today due to the explore test.
Humanities: Students took the Explore test in the morning. Students finished the video on the causes of the American Revolution and continued to work on the test review that they received yesterday in class. Homework is to complete the review and current event by Wednesday. We will check the review Wednesday and take the Chapter 5 test on Thursday.
Spanish I: 2nd hour has their 1.3 test tomorrow.
Pre-Algebra: No class due to the explore test.
December P.E. QUESTION: Explain the importance of a proper warm up and cool down. Define the following components of physical fitness: muscular strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. Describe exercises for each component and the muscles they work. Papers should be at least one page in length, completed on time, information accurate and neat. Paper due on or before Wed., Dec. 14.
Algebra (Hill): Homework: Study your notes from chapter 4 and section 6.7. Study your exam reviews, and the practice problems I gave you in class on Monday. Use the odd problems in your book to test yourself with different problems in chapter 4 and section 6.7. Test Tomorrow! Study hard, and you will do great!
Algebra (Graham) Started chapter 5 today. Homework is from the book: p. 286 (2-38 evens)