Science: Today we started our unit on Newton's laws of motion by investigating the effect that mass has on the speed of a car. Lab re-do's are due tomorrow!
Geometry: Took the chapter 3 test. 4.1 notes are homework.
Algebra: Students reviewed 3.5 in class and then we took 3.6 notes. Students have 3.6 for homework tonight.
Algebra 2: We finished Ch. 4 Part II materials. Students voted to take the Chapter 4 Part II test on Tuesday, Nov. 10th. Homework - Pg. 323 16-24 all.
Course 3: Baker-Today we started Ch. 3.1 and students have 3.1 homework. Austin- Course 3 took the chapter 2 test today. No homework.
Pre Algebra: We reviewed for Ch. 2 test tomorrow.
Humanities: Reviewed for quiz for the second day. Quiz on Thursday. Homework folders due Thursday.
LA - Journal #7 - What advice would a dog give about life if it could talk? Write about that advice. Finished discussing Dolores Huerta - Quiz on the reading tomorrow. Discussed how to write a good introduction and thesis statement. Reading counts makeups need to be taken by the end of the day Thursday. HW - journals and study for Dolores quiz.
Journalism - Fairytale rough drafts are due. Peer editing drafts. Final drafts are due tomorrow.
Spanish 1: The groups that did not present their conversations today will present tomorrow. Otherwise, finish the work assigned yesterday and get started learning/reviewing the new vocabulary from p. 93.
Spanish 8: Tomorrow is the last day to turn in any late work for credit!
8th Gr CarTech - Presenting Final Projects - Family Budget
8th Gr Int Tech - Working on the Process for our SS Webquests.