Science: Read and took notes on pages 91-95 (simple machines and mechanical advantage). Homework is the Work/Mechanical Advantage worksheet, which must be completed on a separate sheet of paper with great short answers (#1 a-e) or problem solving boxes (#2-8).
Geometry: Took notes on section 7.1 (Pythagorean theorem), homework is the 7.1 worksheet. Friday will be a project work day for the Kitchen Geometry Project, which is now due on Friday, January 25.
Humanities: Students reviewed 7.4 and worked on chapter 7 assessment in class. Chapter 7 assessment and homework folders due tomorrow. Current events due Friday.
Spanish: Write the practice essay for the midterm next week. Due tomorrow.
Course 3: We started our unit on Linear equations today. It is the basic foundation for algebra. Homework is worksheet 11.1, #1-5, 10-13. 5th hour-We took our chapter 6 test today. No homework.
ELA - Students corrected each other's Grammar packet from Monday or worked on the packet if they did not complete it. We then had a lesson on Direct and Indirect Objects. Attached is the entire first chapter of the grammar book. Monday's assignment was lessons 1.5-1.7, yesterday's assignment was 1.8, today's assignment is 1.9, and tomorrow's will be 1.10. I'm sorry for the large file but do not have easy access to a scanner to separate the lessons. Homework - finish Grammar 1.9, Journal entry #54, READ!
Tuesday, Jan 22 - Last day to take AR Quizzes
Wednesday, Jan 23 - Journal turn in for 2nd card marking a minimum of 56 entries.