Science: Took notes on Pages 441-445 and went over the Waves homework from Friday. Wave Interaction worksheet is homework. Waves quiz is Thursday.
Spanish I: 3.1 vocab quiz (part 1) on Monday. Vocab sheet for 3.1 is due Monday. Restaurant skit is due tomorrow.
Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students worked on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Pilot test. After a discussion about buying fish and fish tanks, students were set off on their own to tackle the performance task with the online test. Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: Did yesterday's practice test help prepare you for what you saw today on the test?
Humanities: Students checked 14.1, turned in project outlines, and worked on 14.2 free choice in class. Homework is to complete 14.2 free choice and have "relevance" paragraphs (for the project) written for tomorrow.
Tech 8 (Stein): SmarterBalanced Testing
Algebra: We have a big chapter 9 test this Thursday. Attached are the reviews that need to be completed by Thursday! (Chapter 9 Practice Test & Chapter 9 Pretest Warmup)
ELA- We continued our Persuasive Research work today by learning about the importance of organization in a paper, the steps to take from being sure that their Thesis is supported by their reasons and their reasons are supported by their details. We organized our details/research note-cards on pages that contained our thesis and reasons for our thesis statement. We then physically moved our sheets around until we found the correct order of paragraphs (sequential, order of importance, etc). After that was decided the students took their information and transferred it on to an official outline. This outline is a part of their final packet for this paper. Homework: Outline, READ!, Journal # 14. Attachments: Day 9 Outline Samples, Persuasive Research Day 9, Rubric
Coure 3: We reviewed for our chapter 7 test tomorrow. 2nd hour has homework 7.8, all. Test is Thursday.
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