Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday, April 29

Science: Today we worked on writing the "I-Search" instrument paper. Please see the attached directions and rubric. Peer review is Tuesday, May 4 and final paper is due Thursday, May 6.

Geometry: 10.5 Notes in class, homework is to complete checkpoints and study for tomorrow's quiz.

Algebra 2:
13.2 Homework Pg. # 3, 6-12 evens, 15, 20, 24, 29, 31, 32-36 evens, 39.

10.1 # 3-41 every other odd.

Pre Algebra:
7.6 Notes. No homework.

Course 3:
11.1 Notes. No homework.

LA - The Outsiders. We will finish it tomorrow! Continued reading and discussing Bishop's Silver. Student's had time in class to start on their definitions. The vocabulary is due tomorrow 4/30. countenance, fancs, ignominy, vagabond, austere, omen, bishop, perturbed, oratory, haversack, stupefaction, apparition, timorous. HW - complete the vocabulary words.

Journalism - typing final drafts. They are due tomorrow for credit, 4/30. HW - none

Spanish 1: We are starting on unit 3, chapter 1, as well as getting a head start on the irregular verbs of chapter 3-2. There is a lot of memorization, so don't hold off studying! I will be out of the building Friday and Monday, so the students will receive an instruction sheet with their assignments. Please follow those instructions.

Spanish 8: We continue to work on our Spain unit. The students have three sentences to memorize as well as facts about Spain for a small quiz tomorrow. Because I will be out of the building Friday and Monday, the class will receive an instruction sheet which they should follow.

Career Tech - Entered High School Schedules into Career Cruising, and then took some time off. EDPs are due signed tomorrow.

Integrated Tech - Finish motorized wheelchair designs and discussed gears and how they work. No homework.