** Awesome, awesome job yesterday boys and girls, I have to say it was the best class trip I have ever been on in all my years teaching. The students were a stellar example of what Berkley Schools' expects.- Mrs. Kennedy
Algebra (Graham): Finished the notes on 11-2. Homework: worksheet 11.2A [attached]
Technology (Graham): Websites are due this Friday!!
ELA: Much to the students enjoyment it was a reading/AR quiz/quiet day. The copier is on the fritz so no Grammar Packet, it will be pushed out until the copier is once again working. Last Historical Fiction Reader's Journal Check tomorrow. Last Historical Fiction Book Clubs Friday.
Tech: Piecing together, reviewing, and re-editing the 8th grade video. We are in the home stretch now!
Pre-Algebra: We began to work on y-intercept and x-intercept. No homework.
Science: Completed our mini-unit on amusement park physics. Thank you from the bottom of my heart students, parents and teachers for making yesterday one of the best 8th grade trips EVER!
Geometry: Went over the 9.5 homework and took notes on section 9.6 (symmetry). Homework is the 9.6 worksheet.
Humanities: Students checked 18.3, were introduced to a project and watched student news in class today. Homework is to have parents/guardians read and sign project expectations.
Spanish I: Reading comprehension paper due tomorrow.