Monday, February 22, 2016

Yearbook Order Forms

Yearbook order forms are due by Friday, 2/26. Please return the forms with payment ($25) to your language arts teacher or to Mrs. Ramin. Thank you!

Stein - Math 8 Plus - Monday, February 22, 2016

Today we looked at our work from Investigation 1 and Investigation 2.

Look over your notes. Check Up 1 (quiz) on Wednesday, February 24.

There is an open-note quiz this Wednesday over Investigations 1 and 2. Look over your notes.

Geometry- Monday, February 22

Classwork: Used what we know about length, slope and midpoint to identify quadrilaterals in the coordinate plane.

Homework: Finish Coordinate proofs

Coming Soon: Unit 5 Test Thursday

Science- Monday, February 22

Classwork: Began investigating voltage and current in series and parallel circuits.

Homework: None

Coming Soon: Quiz Wednesday

Canvasser 2.22.16 Monday

Happy Monday! Hop you all had a wonderful break!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (2.29.16) Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week) Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section! Along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- Red group can finish day one week two workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class. Blue group worked on their homework and test corrections. The homework packet and multiplication worksheet are due on/before Thursday (3.3.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (3.3.16)

* Headphones were due before we left for break on Friday (2.19.16) For RR ELA and RR Math classes. If you do not have them in class today, you can bring them in tomorrow (2.23.16).*