Science: Worked on the rough draft of the "Is the Force With You?" lab. Rough drafts for peer review must be completed for tomorrow. See attached rubric. Final lab is due Wednesday, December 1.
Geometry: Completed the 4.8 notes. Chapter 4 practice test is homework. Chapter 4 test Monday, November 29.
Algebra: 2nd and 4th hour: took notes on section 4.2/ homework practicing 3.8 (Practice A #1-4,7,10,13 Practice B and C #1,4,7,10) 5th hour: took notes on section 4.2/ homework 4.2 worksheets
Pre-Algebra: Students took a quiz on lessons 3.1 - 3.3. No homework.
LA - Students finished up their "text to text" responses from last week. We discussed;setting, tone, mood, and conflict. Students will be taking their accelerated reader quiz on 12/1. HW - reading at least 30 pages a night in their fiction novel.
Technology - Students reviewed how to submit an assignment in Moodle, Module 0 was completed in class ending with review of computer program skills, downloading their Technology Log, and pre-test on Technology skills. This is to get a base line on student tech skills and to measure how much the use of Moodle has helped students' tech skills when they take the Michigan Educational Technology Standards Test at the end of the year (this is required by all Michigan 8th graders). Next week we will begin Module 1, the skills and procedures for the use of an online classroom should be in place and students will begin to be more self sufficient in the use of our Moodle class.