Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, November 18

Science: Today we collected data after two cars collided on the track to explore Newton's 3rd Law and Momentum. 

Geometry: Transformation test!

Chinese: Making correction on Unit 1 quiz. Reviewing weekdays and dates.

Corrective Reading:  Reading logs are due today.  If you did not bring it in, you need to bring it in for late points in the grade book tomorrow.  Also, you new log will be passed out today, or you can print a copy of my blog, and it will be due next Monday (11.25.13).

Resource Room Math:  Homework is due this Friday and you will have a test on Friday.  Please try and turn your homework in early, and I will check it prior to the test.  Your homework packet is just like the test.

Humanities: Students checked Yorktown maps, read 7.4 and began to work on chapter 7 assessment in  class. Homework is to complete the chapter 7 assessment. Current events are due Wednesday.

ELA - Students turned in their Literary Essay Summative Assessment.  We began our Grammar Unit with a review of sentences.  Students will be given two lessons a day and then time to work with me on the grammar assignment, read, or take AR quizzes. Homework: Read, Journal entry #17, Grammar Lesson 1.1-1.2

Spanish (Tomlinson): 1.Finish what was not completed in class (due Wednesday): # 9,10,14,15,18 on pp.58-63. 2.Review study guide. 3.Test is Friday 11/22

Spanish 2: Do the practice review for the quiz on direct objects tomorrow. It will be on my blog, under the Vocabulary/Grammar page.

French I: Start studying blue words on pg 73 for a quiz on Monday, Nov 24th.

Course 3: We are going to have the Chapter 5 test on Wednesday.  We started a review in class today.  It is homework if they did not finish in class.

Pre-Algebra: 3.1-3.4 Quiz

Creative Writing: Today in creative writing we learned persuasive vocabulary terms and continued writing the intro paragraph to our persuasive essays. Homework: Read (The next AR quiz will be on Nov 26th.) and begin constructing your first body paragraph.

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: Today, we went to the computer lab to work on a descriptions dialogue for our Voki Avatar. Students who did not return the Voki permission slip worked on in preparation for our Chapter Test Friday, November 22. Our Vocabulary Quiz retake will be tomorrow Tuesday, November 19, due to lab availability today.  HOMEWORK: Study for Vocabulary Quiz Retake tomorrow. Chapter 1.2 TEST is Friday, November 22. 

Algebra: wkst 4.5 (all)