Geometry: Started working on the Law of Sines & Cosines review, review is due tomorrow. Law of Sines & Cosines test is Wednesday, March 25.
ELA - Students turned in their Journals and were introduced to our final project for Iqbal and the issue of child labor. This project is due Thursday, March 26. Homework: READ! AR quizzes due Friday, March 27th
Technology - We will print survey charts today. Students should either email me or bring in a flash drive with a digital image of themselves. If they do not have one we will take photos in class. We will be working in Photoshop this week!
Humanities: Students had a second day of review for our chapter 12 test tomorrow. Homework is to complete the review sheet and terms and names for tomorrow's test. Current events are due Friday.
RR ELA: Logs are due today. Your new log was passed out due on Monday. Turn in late logs tomorrow. Read daily.
RR Math: Late homework should have been turned in today. Your new homework will be passed out today or tomorrow.
Pre-Algebra: Today we went over 5.4, multiplying mixed number and improper fractions, some with variables. The homework is 5.4, 1 - 27 odd. Try to have a picture for number 27. Notes and homework available on .
Chinese: Homework: Mini story 2.2 Hanzi Writing Day 2. Due tomorrow, March 24