Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Classwork: Went over Units 5 & 6 for the final review

Homework: Final Exam Unit 7 Review

Coming Soon! Final Exam Monday & Tuesday, June 12 & 13

Greer - 8th Grade Science

Greer - 8th Grade Science
All hours:  Any work that is not already in the gradebook is due by Friday, June 9.  The Final Exam is Friday, June 9.  The final Dail Science Quiz is Monday.  Corrections for the Light Quest are due Tuesday, June 13.

Canvasser 6.6.17 Tuesday Update

6th and 7th hour LRC- Co- teach apology or thank you letter due Wednesday ( 6.7.17) by 8:15 am on Google classroom.  

Spanish 2

Students began reviewing for their final exam today. They focused on Unit 7 and will work on Units 8 and 9 over the next two days.

Homework: Unit 7 on Conjuguemos for 10 minutes

Final Exam: Monday, June 12, and Tuesday, June 13


Classwork: Today we are working on the study guide for the final. This will be reviewed in class tomorrow. We will also be playing Jeopardy review in class. Students also received their Light Quests back in class today.

Final is Friday, June 9th. It is 50 points, multiple choice and goes over units 4-6.

Canvasser 6.6.17 Tuesday

RR ELA- Reading logs were due today, If you did not turn one in you may do so tomorrow for late points. The last reading for the year will be due Monday ( 6.12.17). Students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having  a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- Both groups worked on homework and test corrections, groups also worked on review pages in their workbooks.

*Students need to bring their AR books to class and home daily!*

*AR points are due soon for general ELA class!*