Friday, September 11, 2015

Ramin - Language Arts - 9/11/15

Today students organized their ELA binders and Reader's/Writer's notebooks, then they wrote their first journal entry (1.1).

- Have AR Book (and bring it to class!!!) by Wednesday, September 16th. We are going to begin our Launching Reader's Unit, and it is important that every student has an independent AR book to work with and read. Bring your independent book to class with you Wednesday and every day thereafter!
- Summer reading AR quizzes are due by Tuesday, September 22. 


Geometry- Friday, September 11, 2015

Classwork: Discussed last night's reading assignment and students discussed their own interpretations of various geometry terms such as point, line, segment, plane, midpoint, bisect and ray. We also started practicing using the compass and explored using patty paper for constructing a midpoint.

Homework: No homework :)

Discussion Starters: Can a line be bisected? Is there a midpoint for a line? What about for rays?

Science- Friday, September 11, 2015

Classwork: Students were given an opportunity to set up binders or other organizational system to use for the year. We suggest having a binder with dividers  and the following sections: daily science, notes, homework, assessments, labs. We then began our first investigation utilizing the timers and photo-gates so that students could become familiar with these tools.

Homework: No homework, unless syllabus has not been returned with signature.

Discussion Starters: Ask your student about their reaction time using the stopwatch and how the photo-gates seem to work.

Canvasser 9-11-15

RR ELA: Students should pick out a book (AR book)

RR Math: Work on your X facts

RR ELA, RR Math, RR LRC: Get what you need for class-check the supply list in my course syllabus or on my website (on Norup's homepage.) Parent(s) need to review the course syllabus with their child and that needs to get signed and turned in.

Have a nice long weekend.