Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, April 29

Science: Went over the review for tomorrow's test. Homework is to STUDY!!!!

Geometry: Began our unit on area by going over the 11.1 & 11.2 notes on area of triangles, parallelograms, kits and trapezoids. Homework is to complete worksheets 11.1 & 11.2 - odds.

Humanities: Students reviewed 16.3 in class today. Homework is to study for our chapter 16 assessment, which will be on Thursday.

Spanish II: Exercises #6,7 & 8 pg 374. Due tomorrow
French I: Write ten sentences using the blue words on pg 225. Due tomorrow.

Algebra - We covered Vertex Form today.  Homework is attached (all)

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday.  5 days.

R. Room Math:  Homework packet/test - Thursday 5.1.14.

Spanish I: I am on my daughter's field trip in Lansing today. Your homework is exercises 16 and 17, from yesterday. Check the blog archive for more details. We are going to the lab tomorrow.  Adios.

Creative Writing: Students continued working on their compare/contrast essays. A completed rough draft, either typed or neatly handwritten, is due tomorrow. The final draft is due Monday, May 5th.

ELA - Students brought their Rough Drafts to class to participate in Peer Editing for Day 6 of our Compare Contrast Writer's Workshop.  Tomorrow we will begin publishing our final draft. Paper due Friday, May 2nd. AR2 due Friday, May 2nd. Homework: READ! Journal #2
Technology - Kennedy - Students continued with their Moodle work by taking a quiz that tests the METS (Michigan Educational Technology Standards) students recognize and analyze.

Pre-Algebra: Today we looked at how a percent of change can be applied to real world scenarios such as markup, discount, tax, tip, etc. HW: 7.6 (1-7, 16)

Course 3: We talked about rational and irrational numbers today.  Homework is worksheet 9.2, all.