Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday, October 12

* Student's took the Day 1 Reading MEAP in the morning. After lunch students had 2nd & 4th hours.

Science: See yesterday's post

Geometry: 2.6 & 2.7 notes in class, 2.6 & 2.7 worksheets are homework for Thursday. Chapter 2 test will be Monday, October 20.

Algebra 1: Discuss questions on 3.1/6.1 WS. Begin 6.2, Assignment: Pg 366 #s 3-33 odd, 36, 37

LA - Students learned Senyru, Tanka, Concrete and Acrostic poems. We practiced and discussed. Homework: write a Senyru, Tanka, Concrete and Acrostic poem. Make sure the A.R. novel is finished before 10/15...that is when they take their quiz.

Social Studies: Students shared atlas work, were introduced to 4.1 and began 4.1 section assessment.
*Please note, 4.1 section assessment reading are due on Thursday.  We will review 4.1 on Thursday.  Students in first and third hours will need to complete this work and have it for our next meeting on Thursday. 
Tech: Rotation 2 (Second Hour) Worked on their Internet Search and Bibliography.