Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Stein - Individuals & Societies 8 - 2.14.17

What We Did Today:

Students began reading Chapter 9, Section 2, discussing nationalism and sectionalism.


Big Idea:

A rising sense of national unity allowed some regional differences to be set aside and national interests be served.



Finish reading Chapter 9, Section 2, pages 302 - 303. Do the Section 2 Assessment on page 303. The audio version of the text is available as an mp3 on Google Classroom.



  • Students will receive information about the Chapter 9 Assessment this Wednesday.
  • There is a Current Event due this Friday as an assessment grade.

Stein - Math 8 Plus - 2.14.17

What We Did Today:

Students completed Problem 1.4, "Properties of Transformations." Students constructed and compared the properties of the three types of symmetry we have looked at so far. Notes are available at http://norupstein.weebly.com/math-8-plus-blog


Focus Question:

How, if at all, will the shape, size, and position of a figure change after each of the transformations – reflection, rotation, or translation?





We played Jeopardy and Plickrs games to review. A copy of the mid term Jeopardy review is in the science folder for students who were absent.

Mid term is tomorrow, Wednesday, February 15th.

For students who are absent on Thursday and Friday, links to the websites and copies of the activities we are doing as an introduction to electricity will be posted to the blog and science folder.

Math 8 - Stone

We took Check Up #2 over investigation 2. After the quiz, we had homework reviewing equation solving and factoring.

Greer - 8th Grade Science

Greer - 8th Grade Science
All hours:  Mid-term review will be Wednesday.  The mid-term exam will be ThursdayIf students know that they will not be in attendance Thursday, they must take the exam Wednesday.

Spanish 2

Students practiced affirmative and negative words as well as identified reflexive vs. non-reflexive verbs.

Reflexive Verbs Quiz: Thursday, February 16


Reviewed for Thursday's test. The review is homework.

Ramin - ELA

Students are currently working on Grammar - Unit 4 (Verbs)

Review - Wednesday 2/15
Quiz - Thursday 2/16 (will be posted to Google Classroom)


Canvasser 2.14.17 Tuesday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Wednesday ( 2.22.17) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days. There will be a grammar quiz Friday ( 3.3.17)

RR Math- The red group can complete workbook pages ( week 2, day 2) if not finished in class. The signed homework packet and multiplication sheet are due  on/before Monday ( 2.27.17) the math test will also be on Monday ( 2.27.17)

*Students need to bring their AR books to class and home daily!*