* 8th Grade Trip to Math & Physics Day @ Cedar Point is Tuesday, May 18
Tentative Final Exam Schedule
* Science Final Thursday June 10
* Geometry Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
* Algebra Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
*Algebra II Final Thursday & Friday June 10 & 11
Science: Eye Dissection! Eye Packet is due on Friday. I-Search papers will be returned by Monday, May 17
Geometry: 12.2 Notes (Surface Area of Prisms & Cylinders), 12.2 worksheet is homework. 12.1-12.4 Quiz Wednesday, May 19.
Course 3 Austin- We worked on equations with two variables. No homework.
Social Studies: Students read 16.1 in class. 16.1 section assessment due Wednesday. 16.2 section assessment due Friday. Current event due Friday.
LA - students took their short story unit test. Homework: novel reading WEDOB Ch2-4 and SH 2-3 due Friday for discussion. HW - read novels
Journalism - work on final drafts. Due Friday. HW - none
Spanish 1: We worked on 3-1 today. On Friday the class will take 3 sections of the chapter test and finish it next week. For Friday, please rewrite 187#15 perfectly, color-coding the gustar expressions (they are four words each).
Spanish 8: Today the kids worked on their political posters against bullfighting. They are due Friday.
Career Tech - Investigate section of Design Folder due Tomorrow; that includes the completed spreadsheet and print evidence of where the student got the numbers for their budget.
Integrated Tech - continued our Gears work.