Science: Did our first jigsaw not-taking for the electricity unit on pages 298-30. No homework.
Geometry: Went over the Law of Sine & Cosine homework, students are reminded that in order to earn credit they must at least ATTEMPT each problem, which involves writing at least something done as evidence of an attempt. Leaving a problem completely blank does not prove to me that the problem has been attempted. Chapter 7 practice test is homework.
Spanish I: First part of vocab quiz 2.2 is this week. You must take it by this Friday.
ELA : students were given the hour to read, define vocabulary words, and fill out their TKM packet. Listening stations were loaded on to the classroom computers and a "Lunch Listening" sign-up was placed at the front of the room on the "FYI" board, students are welcome to come at lunch and listen to TKM. Homework: Read, Chapters 10-12 due Thursday
Tech (Kennedy): Moving right along in Moodle, students began their "Applying Technology Skills" and posted to a forum (this is their fourth forum to date).
Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 9, were introduced to chapter 10 and began to take notes on 10.1 in class. Homework is to complete 10.1 notes.
Algebra (Graham): Assigned Pre-test Warm-up for homework. We will have our chapter 7 test on Thursday and a take-home problem solving quiz on Thursday, as well. Take-home is due on Friday!
Technology (Graham): Career Finder (module 2). Workplace reflection - due on Friday.
Pre-Algebra: Today we talked about scientific notation. Homework is worksheet page 207, #13-17,22-24,31,32.