Science: Worked on the midterm review, if it is not finished in class then it is homework tonight. Science lab is due on Friday and the midterm is Monday, a study guide was also passed out today.
Geometry: Went over the 7.1 homework and had a GREAT time remembering how to solve systems of equations and quadratic equations! We then completed the 7.2 notes (converse of the pythagorean theorem), 7.2 worksheet is homework. Kitchen geometry project is due on Monday.
Pre-Algebra: Quiz today. No homework.
ELA: Students viewed Public Service Announcements and saw how they are used to give an opinion. We then wrote about an issue that bothered us and why. This was Day 2 of our Writer's Workshop on Persuasive Research. Homework: Finish Journal entry & TKM Journal chap 4-6, Quiz on To Kill a Mockingbird chap 1-6 Friday.
Tech -(Kennedy) Students were introduced to Moodle and the environment we will be working in this school year. Logins are soon to follow.
Humanities: Students took chapter 8 test and turned in homework folders in class today. Current events are due tomorrow.
Algebra (Hill): Homework: Finish the section 7.3 worksheet (complete all even problems)