Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 3

Science: Today we took notes on graphing and went over the speed homework. Quiz tomorrow is on scientific method, systems of measurement & calculating speed. Students may use their notes and worksheets on the quiz.

Geometry: Today we took notes on section 2.5 which involves using algebraic properties to introduce proofs. Homework is the 2.5 worksheet. Quiz tomorrow is on 2.1-2.4.

Humanities: Students completed chapter 1 test and discussed the presidential debate in class today. No homework. Current events due Friday. Homework folders due Friday. I will be attending a conference at Oakland Schools on Thursday and will be sure to return any calls/emails on Friday.

ELA - Students handed in their sentences and moved right on the Writer's Workshop Day 7. Teaching Point -Students will form writer's response groups to share their poem and determine if it conveys the message they are trying to get across. Students filled out a Reader's Response Rubric for Narrative Poetry on the other students' poems in their writer's response groups. They then discussed the responses and filled out an "Exit Slip" describing how the process felt. Homework:   READ!  Journal #22

PreAlgebra: No homework today!

Algebra: Just the 5 word problems on worksheet 2.6

Course 3: Today we continued to talk about a person's net worth and how to calculate it.  We compared the net worth of two celebrities.  Homework is to come up with a "fake" net worth sheet.  Students will switch papers tomorrow and solve their neighbor's net worth sheet.
Spanish I: Study for vocabulary quiz on 1.1 (part 2) on Monday, October 8th