Science: Took the Electricity Unit test. Labs are being returned at conferences or in class on Friday. Lab re-do's are due on Monday.
Geometry: 10.1 notes in class (tangents). 10.1 worksheet is homework.
Course 3: Austin- We finished notes on lesson 8.5. Homework - worksheet 8.5, all. Finished notes on 8.5 and have homework.
Algebra: Reviewed for Chapter 8 Test on March 30th.
Algebra 2: 10.1 and 10.2 Homework (#3-55 every other odd, except on 10.2). We did not cover Pascal's triangle or the binomial theorem.
Pre Algebra: Took notes on 6.8. Chapter 6 Test is on March 30th
LA - continued reading "The Outsiders". Students took a Science fiction quiz. Students' discussed literary elements of science fiction and incorporated how to write a good topic sentence and provide examples to support a paragraph. HW - none
Journalism - World, National and local articles are due today. Rough drafts are due 3/29 and the 3rd packet (famous people who write for the news). HW - finish articles.
Spanish 1: We finished the chapter test today and read an article about the creation of Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capital. We will be talking about Tenochtitlán (which is now Mexico City) in the next few days, using it as a chance to practice the preterite. Kids who are gone for the various trips and events of the next few days should start to familiarize themselves with the new chapter, 2-3.
Spanish 8: The kids had a small pronunciation test today and continued to work on Enrique and María. There is no homework.
Social Studies: Students shared current events and began work on chapter 13 assessment in class. Chapter 13 assessment is due Monday. Chapter 13 quiz on Monday. Homework folders due Wednesday.